Mikkel Høgh
Coding the web since 1999
About this blog
Apr 2017
Why I care about the Drupal drama
There’s been a lot said and written about the most recent drama in the Drupal community, quite a few people have asked m...
Mar 2017
A vote of no confidence in the Drupal Association leadership
I have had many differences with the Drupal Association in the past, starting with the many clashes we had with their er...
Oct 2016
Now on Drupal 8
Once again, this blog has moved to a new technilogical platform.
May 2015
Drupal is still a gated community
One of the things the Drupal community prides itself on, is how open the community is. And that is generally true, but t...
Jul 2013
Presenting the Opening Hours Module
Do you need to tell your visitors when you are open for business? Your office hours, when the service desk is open? The...
Sep 2012
How to configure Octopress for Drupal Planet syndication
Since I moved my blog to Octopress, I’ve been struggling with my blog posts not getting picked up by Planet Drupal...
Oct 2011
Shave a couple of stubborn of DIV-wrappers off your Drupal site
One of the more annoying things about theming Drupal sites is having to wade through the staggering amounts of wrapping ...
Oct 2011
Using Database-level Foreign Keys in Drupal 7
If you use a good database system, foreign keys is an actual concept on the server that is used to enforce data integrit...
Jul 2011
How to install multicore Apache Solr on FreeBSD with Jetty
If you use Apache Solr with your Drupal site, you have probably come across the need to have more than one Solr instance...
Dec 2010
del.icio.us – can the Drupal community do better?
As you may know, Yahoo! is in trouble, and has decided to jettison the social bookmarking service del.icio.us (Delicious...
Oct 2010
Relauching my blog on Drupal 7
More than a year ago, I was agitating for a move to Drupal 7 for all the blogging developers. As is rather obvious now, ...
Sep 2010
Protecting your users from phishing with Apache rules and HSTS
HTTP Strict Transport Security or HSTS is a new security feature in browsers that enables you tell the browser “always u...
Aug 2010
A tip for using PostgreSQL with Drupal 6
If you are using PostgreSQL for hosting your Drupal sites, you might have noticed a lot of warnings in your logs like th...
Nov 2009
Attention all Drupal Git-mirror users
A long-standing issue with the Git mirrors of Drupal’s CVS has been fixed thanks to Damien Tournoud. The problem i...
Aug 2009
Going to the edge with Drupal 7...
So, my fellow Drupallers, we are only inches away from the code freeze. Are we afraid yet? A common trend amongst Drupal...
Aug 2009
How to create and maintain your own cache table in Drupal
There’s a lot of good documentation for how to use the caching system already set up, in particular a very nice wr...
Aug 2009
Drupal debugging tip – use the logging console
I recently ran across a feature of Drupal’s devel.module that might not be all that well known, namely that it has...
Jun 2009
Introducing the Stack Overflow module for Drupal
As an avid user of Stack Overflow (and Server Fault, to some degree), I am well pleased to announce the stackoverflow.mo...
Jun 2009
Things that should be objects in Drupal #1: Content types
Currently, defining the simplest content type in Drupal requires ~54 lines of 100% standard boilerplate code. The reason...
Mar 2009
The new spam
I just came across a new kind of spam, very cleverly made: It’s a clever ploy, posting praise with hidden images. ...
Jan 2009
Code and slides from DrupalCamp Cologne
The code from my CCK-presentation with Danish postal code is available on Github. The rest is attached. I’ve made ...
Jan 2009
Typogrify under new maintainership...
So, I’ve finally taken the step up (in responsibility, that is) to become a module maintainer. I’ve been wan...
Jan 2009
Snippet: node type specific CSS files
I just wrote a fun little bit of code for answering a question on our Danish Drupal community site. The user in question...
Dec 2008
Upgraded to Drupal 6
So, I finally got around to upgrading my personal blog to Drupal 6. This was my first Drupal site, started almost two ye...
Nov 2008
Preparing for Drupal 7 by changing the way to make parameters for db_query.
After attending DrupalCon in Szeged and following the new database stuff, I thought a bit about how to make the transiti...
Nov 2008
DrupalCamp 2008 slides and code
Just a public service announcement – here are my slides and the small twitter-like module I created for my “Drupal...
Nov 2008
Book Meme
“Variables in JavaScript are fundamentally the same as object properties” From “JavaScript – The Defi...
Oct 2008
Drupal and Varnish HTTP accellerator
For many reasons, it’s a good idea to have a HTTP accelerator/reverse proxy on your webserver to take some of the ...
Oct 2008
Drupal database performance: MySQL and PostgreSQL compared.
As a long time open source user and a chronic challenger of own assumptions, I often test out the alternatives to my cur...
Sep 2008
I'm starting my own Drupal shop
So, I’m finally able to break the news. I’ve been planning this since before DrupalCon, but there’s be...
Sep 2008
My six months with Mollom
As many Drupallers know, Mollom has been out for a while now, six months in fact, and I just wanted to share my enthusia...
Aug 2008
Thank you, DrupalCon
So, DrupalCon is now over. I’m sitting here in the shuttle bus to Budapest with Dries, Webchick, Addison Berry, Ti...
May 2008
We still don't know what we're doing...
Drupal’s popularity has really taken off on these parts – the last year has seen amazing growth, from a few hobbyi...
Feb 2008
A Git mirror for Drupal CVS
For some weeks, I have on-and-off been trying to create my own mirror of cvs.drupal.org in Git, and now it seems I&rsquo...
Dec 2007
A hidden gem for theme developers
I was doing some work on a site today, and I found me in a bit of a jam. I’d rather not spend a lot of time (as I ...
May 2006
Of new designs, updates and monstrous printers
As you might have discovered by now, I’ve changed the theme for this website. I downloaded a theme named niftyCorn...
May 2006
Moving to greener fields
So, I’ve changed webhosting-companies. Now I use TextDrive. I won’t go into a long story about what has driv...
Jan 2006
Fed up with Joomla!...
Yes, I finally got fed up with Joomla!. Joomla! is a very nice and shiny system, but that simply doesn’t change th...