Mikkel Høgh
Coding the web since 1999
About this blog
Oct 2011
Using Database-level Foreign Keys in Drupal 7
If you use a good database system, foreign keys is an actual concept on the server that is used to enforce data integrit...
Jun 2009
Things that should be objects in Drupal #1: Content types
Currently, defining the simplest content type in Drupal requires ~54 lines of 100% standard boilerplate code. The reason...
Jan 2009
Snippet: node type specific CSS files
I just wrote a fun little bit of code for answering a question on our Danish Drupal community site. The user in question...
Jun 2006
TurboGears is brilliant
Some time ago, I wrote a small piece about TurboGears, with a link to a review I read on O’Reilly. Since then I&rs...
May 2006
Moving to greener fields
So, I’ve changed webhosting-companies. Now I use TextDrive. I won’t go into a long story about what has driv...