Mikkel Høgh

Coding the web since 1999

20 Jun 2009

Introducing the Stack Overflow module for Drupal

As an avid user of Stack Overflow (and Server Fault, to some degree), I am well pleased to announce the stackoverflow.mo...
15 Jun 2009

Things that should be objects in Drupal #1: Content types

Currently, defining the simplest content type in Drupal requires ~54 lines of 100% standard boilerplate code. The reason...
31 Mar 2009

The new spam

I just came across a new kind of spam, very cleverly made: It’s a clever ploy, posting praise with hidden images. ...
20 Feb 2009

Installing FreeBSD 7.1 via eLOM on a Sun Fire X2100

I’ve just finished my migration of my two servers to FreeBSD 7.1, and I thought I’d take the time to write a...
16 Feb 2009

Lightning fast...

I remember my first Internet connection, all 33.6 Kbps of it. The warbling sound, the seemingly endless wait for a conne...
18 Jan 2009

Code and slides from DrupalCamp Cologne

The code from my CCK-presentation with Danish postal code is available on Github. The rest is attached. I’ve made ...
13 Jan 2009

Typogrify under new maintainership...

So, I’ve finally taken the step up (in responsibility, that is) to become a module maintainer. I’ve been wan...
02 Jan 2009

Snippet: node type specific CSS files

I just wrote a fun little bit of code for answering a question on our Danish Drupal community site. The user in question...
28 Dec 2008

Upgraded to Drupal 6

So, I finally got around to upgrading my personal blog to Drupal 6. This was my first Drupal site, started almost two ye...
16 Nov 2008

Preparing for Drupal 7 by changing the way to make parameters for db_query.

After attending DrupalCon in Szeged and following the new database stuff, I thought a bit about how to make the transiti...