Something weird, in the neighborhood
This blog of mine has been a weird fixture of my existence. I started it in 2005, and since then it been through quite a few iterations.
If memory served, it started out based on Fundanemt, a long-dead Danish Open Source CMS made by the merry folks at Tankegang. Then I moved to, Mambo and when it was forked from Mambo, Joomla! I quickly gave up on Joomla! and used Drupal for many years, then to Django Mingus, back to Drupal, and then to Octopress, and as the latest iteration, to Ghost, an awesome new open source blogging platform.
I’ve learned a lot from all these iterations. Written a lot of migration scripts. The latest iteration is open source and available here: ghost-octopress-converter. I can heartily recommend such hobby projects. My career has (accidentally) been built on the things I learned when playing with technology.
Also, in the 9 years since then, my life has changed enormously. Moved all across Denmark and finally to Switzerland, broke through as a professional software developer, married, divorced, gave up on religion. Yes, it has certainly been eventful, but my life has never been more interesting than it is now. So here’s to another decade of blogging…